First things first, your song “Get You Off” has quite a number of views on YouTube. How do you think the American audience has received your music?
The reception has been really positive overall. I’m very happy that people responded to the song and video like that. It was my first promotional release so I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but it was great. I love my fans and the warm welcoming I got!
What can you share with us about your latest EP If I Said I’m In Love (Suicide)?
The title of my new single is “If I Said I’m In Love (Suicide)” and we decided to put out an EP of a few different versions of the song. I really like this record and I’m super excited now that it’s out! The song is about the withdrawal process of toxic love and regaining control of your life…I think it’s better to face temporary pain and heartache but survive rather than kill yourself slowly. For so many people bad love is like an addictive poison…You think you need it but it slowly kills you!
Being in the entertainment industry isn’t easy, some say it’s a labor of love. What were some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome?
That might be right depending on who you are. I personally don’t walk into things for the simplicity of it. It is the challenges that motivate me and keep me going. Makes me kind of want it even more.
Where does your passion for music and performing come from? Any particular musician or artist influence you?
From when I was a little girl, I must have been around 8 years old, I remember watching MTV every day and listening to really amazing songs. That was when I really fell in love with music and felt like “This is what I want to do when I grow up.”
What are your thoughts on fashion?
I love fashion…I like to mix high couture and young designers from around the world. Just like my music, I love bringing things together to make something new. It’s about everything working together – the music, performance, pop, fashion, that’s art and for me what makes an artist.
Have you ever been to Dallas or even Texas? First impression?
No, I actually haven’t yet. I would love to visit very soon.
When you want to get away from it all, what do you do to relax?
HAH! Listen to music. But honestly there hasn’t been much time to relax lately!
We heard a rumor that many Swedes speak English better than Swedish. Is this true or just a big joke?
That’s a big joke! Ha Ha! But, they do teach us English at a very early age, so a lot of Swedes are very good at it.
Favorite food and why?
I actually love very simple Swedish dishes!
What’s the next goal you’d like to accomplish?
I have only one goal and that is for the entire world to hear my music. So when that happens I can think about the next goal.
If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
It’s funny that this is one of your questions since I actually thought about that before. In the past I thought that it would be great to be “invisible,” but then it hit me that it’s kind of lame and wouldn’t help anybody. So my superpower would be to erase all the evil in the world and leave only love. Much cooler right?
If we opened the trunk of your car right now, what would we find?
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