Amy Schumer: Bits O’ Wisdom

Amy Schumer drops some knowledge bombs on you. Photo Courtesy: 92YTribeca
Amy Schumer drops some knowledge bombs on you. Photo Courtesy: 92YTribeca

I think you can go from being not very funny to working really hard for 10 years and figuring out how to make a living on the road, but I don’t think you can rise much above that.

I’ll never forget the day I realized I wasn’t quite the Ford model I thought I was.

There’s nothing more awkward than going to the first birthday party of a little girl when you told her mom to get rid of her – because the kid can tell.

You know what the worst part about my drinking is? When I’m drunk I slur. You know, like I say racial slurs. Wow, nobody likes that at a barbeque.

He was really into family… He’d never come on the road with me on the weekends ‘cause he wanted to spend time with his wife.