The Answer Guy: November 6th 2012

Dear Arthur,

My ex may just be a psychopath. He constantly calls, texts, tweets, and leaves posts on my Facebook page, but I am scared to death to block or delete him. None of the stuff has been threatening just more on the creepy side. We share several close mutual friends, which pretty much gives him access to my life. What can I do? 


Lucky for you I’ve dated and slept with the best and worst minds of my generation without the howling sensation of an episode of Carnal Relations Gone Wrong. Some of these girls were sane, others not so much! One day I’ll describe the dating horrors. However, I will tell you the one constant truth, which is that the combination of friends and former lovers always makes for wicked alchemy if something goes wrong.

There’s a certain awkwardness involved when you split up with someone and then wind up sitting across from them at a poetry slam snapping fingers while mentally giving that person the middle one.

Guys tend to go a little crazy after a girl breaks up with them. Not because they miss the girl, but because they miss the pretty much anytime you want it sex. The one thing men hate more than anything is having to hunt down another girl date her until the point where they start having sex that isn’t accompanied by a latex Roman centurion. I’m sure a part of him misses you on an emotional level.

But, don’t think for one moment that he’s in bed at nights thinking about your personality.

The solution to your problem is simple. Delete him from all of your social media outlets, stop answering his calls, and send him a message that you’re done playing his childish games of cat and mouse. Real men respect honesty, even the sociopaths among us. The longer you leave the doors of communication open, the more he’s going to think there’s a chance that you two will be having sex on a regular basis again. And, at some point backslide your way into a relationship again!