I spy with my little eye a top comedy for the year. Spy, starring Melissa McCarthy (The Head, Bridesmaids), and a slew of comedic cameos, draws constant laughter sometimes making you miss the next awfully delicious thing that flowed ever so gracefully out of Melissa McCarthy’s mouth. Every jab and verbal assault that McCarthy made hit its intended target with an all but subtle ease. Punch lines actually punched and insults did damage.
And to prove two genres can share equally as well as dominate in synchronicity the silver screen, Spy implores the talents of the adrenaline-pumping action star Jason Statham. Statham, well known for his British origins and the accent and wit that accompanies such, fits perfectly into this exploration of a James Bond-esque tour across the European continent in as much a ridiculous but also completely genuine manner as his co-star McCarthy.
Melissa McCarthy is a shining star of comedy and Spy highlights this to every extent of the comedy world. Be prepared, the jokes don’t quit, and when Spy keeps the whole audience laughing, there are subsequent lines that may go unheard.
Jude Law and Rose Byrn also reach hard for the laughs, though inevitably collect and makes you believe it was just meant to be. The chemistry between every character feels real and authentic, sometimes, as awkward at it may seem, still gets voted as sheer humor; and neither is this humor constantly being concealed solely in wit, but will surprise you by slapping you in the face when least expected.
Paul Feig (The Heat, Bridesmaids), brings another comedy masterpiece with McCarthy as the centerpiece. This is certainly a statement to where comedy is in the movie industry. The freaks and geeks are proving they’re here to stay. That’s a reference to both Paul Feig and Judd Apatow who worked together on the hit sitcom, Freaks and Geeks. Ever since garnering a cult fan base from their television days, these two directors and comedy geniuses have slowly taken over Hollywood, which has ultimately awarded an entire generation with a cinephile’s utopia where laughter is the medicine that heals all and a good sense of humor can take you far in life.
Go check out Spy, in theaters this weekend. It just might be the comedy of the year. It’s rated R, for “Raunchy, Very Very Raunchy”.