Mad Catz MLG Pro Circuit
Establish yourself as one gamer who’s not to be f#%ked with when you bring out the big guns by pulling your professional controller out of your backpack. The MLG lets you swap thumbstick and D-Pads, so it doesn’t matter if they want to play on Xbox 360 or PS3 the ass-whipping will be the same.
Price: $100
Mimomicro Card Reader
Mimomicro microSD card readers may just be the snazziest thing you ever poke into the side of your laptop. Not only is it a flash drive that has a removable memory card, but it is also a microSD card reader so you can move info from your tablet, e-reader, camera, mp3 player, and smart phone straight to your computer. You can find them in DC Comics and Star Wars characters. May the Files be with you.
Price: $13