Last year, New York Giant’s star Will Hill was suspended for four games and, at the time, he put that suspension down to testing positive for a drug called Adderall. This is a medication containing Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine, which is used to treat the signs and symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder and Narcolepsy. This year things have gone from bad to worse for the star player, as he’s now tested positive for marijuana. His story is something that is sadly becoming a little too familiar among young, up and coming sports stars these days and it is an issue that perhaps needs more of an aggressive stance, so that future new players are protected. Here’s the lowdown on Hill’s troubled past.
Positive test results spark trouble
Hill had failed the tests last season, but is only just about to start serving out his suspension as he spent several fruitless months battling the decision and trying to get the suspension overturned. Speaking to reporters at the Giant’s training camp he said that he’d used pot smoking as a way of coping with the stress and upset he was suffering from as a result of trouble in his hometown. His candid admissions have, however, caused concern. Hill said his issues had been caused by problems close to home, saying that: “It’s from family members, everyone reaching their hand out thinking I’m an ATM and people who think you owe them something”. Hill even alluded to the fact that he had been threatened at gun point which had done little to help his stress levels, adding that “I was visiting back to my hometown and a guy pulled a shotgun on me right then and wanted money. How do you deal with those situations? I really can’t so I dealt with it the best way I knew how”.
Past form
Hill’s form and behavior has, unfortunately been less than sparkling throughout his career, despite showing plenty of initial promise and natural talent. This is the second time he has been suspended from playing with the Giants in the last twelve months. Prior to this he also had problems with the violation of team rules at the University of Florida. Many fans and people around him have attributed this past issue to drugs as well. He also had previous form for posting references to drugs on his twitter feed and had been in trouble for that, too.
Turning the situation around
Can Hill turn the situation around leave the drugs behind and finally stop smoking for good? It is hoped so. Tom Coughlin who is the current coach for the Giants seems to think that the situation can be brought under control. “Hopefully” he said “Will can get his life straightened out”. He is already attending an outpatient facility for treatment in Parsipanny and according to Coughlin has spent some time in an inpatient facility earlier on in the year. Hill clearly needs some positive role models on his side to help him overcome his issues. Many commentators seem to think that his smoking and drug issues stem purely from falling in with the wrong people and that his immaturity meant that he felt he had little choice but to use these methods to cope with the stresses he was faced with. The fact he has now managed to try and break away and get help can only be a positive move for him.
Would it affect his standing in the team?
This remains to be seen. If the treatment Hill has undergone has been successful and he carries through with his follow up outpatient appointments, there is every realistic possibility that he can come through this and regain his place in the team without an issue – that is providing he keeps his nose clean of course. However, there is the worry that once he leaves treatment and is possibly faced with going home and confronting the people and places that have caused him the stress and upset in the first instance, that he might simply relapse and turn back to the substances to help him cope with his feelings. For now, he’s trying to remain upbeat and hopes that he can just cheer his team on from the sidelines. A naturally gifted player noted for his speed, tenacity and aggression means that he is an undeniable asset to his side and this suspension, which isn’t due to end until September means that although he won’t be able to play until then, he can participate in the preseason games. Hill, for now, is simply viewing this time out as a way of trying to get his life back on track, in order that he can pick up his career again. Fingers crossed he can do just that.