Garage rockers Oil Boom, consisting of guitarist and vocalist Ryan Taylor of Oak Cliff, drummer Dugan Connors of Carrollton and bassist Steve Steward of Fort Worth, are known for their epic rock tunes.
What area in the DFW are you from?
We are from the spot where Oak Cliff, Carrollton and Fort Worth intersect, roughly around Hurricane Harbor in Arlington.
Do you even have any idea how many shows total you’ve played down there?
I don’t even have an idea. Two times maybe?
What is your favorite part about SXSW?
Getting signed by a major label.
What is your least favorite part about SXSW?
Getting reined by a major stable.
How did you come up with your band’s name?
Through careful deliberation, vigorous debate, and a Major League Baseball arbitrator.
How does/should a musician pack for SXSW?
You’ll definitely want to bring a friendship bracelet, some POGs, and the cassette soundtrack to Flashdance for bartering purposes. And your thirst for adventure.
What’s up next for you after SXSW?
A critically-dismissed greatest hits collection, rapid descent into local obscurity and a police standoff.