ABCActionNews.com reported (7-17-13) Ashley Taylor Wright, 23, a mother of three, used her baby’s carriage to hide and shoplift some $260 in clothing from inside a Dillard’s in Mary Esther, Fla. Confronted on the parking lot, she held up her baby’s carriage, proclaiming “You will have to shoot through the baby to get me!” Next, she threw the baby and seat at the deputy, who immediately arrested her.
You got a dog? Ever feel guilty not giving him/her enough attention? The British company Paw Seasons has created a holiday for dogs, if you can afford it. It consists of a private suite for two weeks, dog-friendly Hollywood movies, trips to the beach, surfing “lessons,” spa and grooming treatment (including pedicure). Price, according to the Daily Telegram, the equivalent of $73,000.
(7-15-13) – The Walton County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office received a call from a woman saying a stranger had knocked on their front door, then hit her husband. Turns out, when found, the offender, David Lord, age 42, admitted he made a couple of mistakes. First, wanting to apologize to his girlfriend for losing his temper, after catching her with another man; second, knocking on the wrong door, then punching an innocent man in the face.